A bit about Bonnie
Bonnie has always been active with her pinnacle being three time Canadian track cycling champion, thus she knows how to push to reach goals. She also underwent extensive reconstructive spine surgery so recognizes and understands the importance of proper rehab to get one self back to active function and fun. She specializes in functional movement and educating clients how to move in a safe manner throughout the activities of life’s physical demands. Bonnie has over 25 years of experience in this field.
Bachelor of Physical Education from UBC
Post Rehab Specialist - AAHFP
Medical Exercise Specialist - AAHFP
Scientific Back Training - CHEK Certified
Scientific Core Conditioning - CHEK Certified
Kettlebell Trainer Specialist - Kettlebell Training Academy
Scientific Shoulder Conditioning - CHEK Certified
Healing Fungal and Paracite Infections - CHEK Institute (in course currently)